Immunisations have significantly reduced or eliminated a number of infectious diseases that used to often kill or injure newborns, kids, and adults.However, the infections-causing diseases and germs still exist, and if you are not vaccinated, you can still become infected.Unvaccinated children and teenagers run a long-term risk of contracting serious illnesses that might be fatal, and they can also infect others in their surroundings and school.
In accordance with the national vaccination programme, we vaccinate infants and kids at birth, six weeks, four months, six months, twelve months, eighteen months, and four years.The immunisations you might need as an adult can differ significantly based on your age, life stage, destination, and past immunisations. To make sure you are informed at all times, our medical center will maintain records of these.For teenagers who might prefer not to take part in the school-based initiatives, we provide immunization programmes.